Friday, 25 November 2011

NAILLOVE: Movember Nails.

I know Movember is for charity. And this really is the only reason I can tolerate it.
I have always been a lover of the beard and a nice bit of stubble, but I really just struggle with the isolated moustache.

However... the moustache motif is an ever-popular design these days, and it certainly does have a comedy factor. I must admit that I myself do in fact own a moustache motif t-shirt, and I mean who hasn't experimented with a drawn on moustache from time to time..

But i digress. I mentioned my current novelty nail craze in my previous post, well imagine then my delight when I came across these babies on Topshop's Tumblr recently.

Amazeballs! Here's some more I came across when I went a-googlin':


I only have a few days left to hop on this female-friendly Movember bandwagon, so tomorrow I will be mostly buying a nail art pen.


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