Tuesday, 29 November 2011

GRAPHICLOVE: Infographics are cool.

I've been looking into infographics for our current uni project, and I think I've realised I'm a bit of a geek. Or a graphics geek at least.

I came across a cool tool called Wordle which generated this text-based infographic based on what I've written on this blog so far. I thought it was pretty nifty.

SOURCE: created here at Wordle.


Sunday, 27 November 2011

NAILLOVE: Nommy M&M Nails.

Definitely awesome.


To do: Go out and buy M&Ms for inspiration and study. Don't mind if I do.


Saturday, 26 November 2011

NAILLOVE: 101 Dalmatians.

So Dalmatian has well and truly arrived. I've been very much enjoying the exoticism that the current Leopard and Python trends have brought us in these dark and dreary winter times, but I think I am even more excited for Dalmatian. Its something new, something different.

Topshop have well and truly embraced this trend, as we guessed they would from their Topshop Unique AW11 collection at LFW:


Some of my current Dalmatian desires (I can dare to dream):


And of course... the nail equivalent! This is the real reason I first became interested in the Dalmatian print - they make for some truly awesome nails. Check it:


Friday, 25 November 2011

NAILLOVE: Movember Nails.

I know Movember is for charity. And this really is the only reason I can tolerate it.
I have always been a lover of the beard and a nice bit of stubble, but I really just struggle with the isolated moustache.

However... the moustache motif is an ever-popular design these days, and it certainly does have a comedy factor. I must admit that I myself do in fact own a moustache motif t-shirt, and I mean who hasn't experimented with a drawn on moustache from time to time..

But i digress. I mentioned my current novelty nail craze in my previous post, well imagine then my delight when I came across these babies on Topshop's Tumblr recently.

Amazeballs! Here's some more I came across when I went a-googlin':


I only have a few days left to hop on this female-friendly Movember bandwagon, so tomorrow I will be mostly buying a nail art pen.


Saturday, 5 November 2011

Giles EEK SS11 Nails.

I seem to be having a Nail moment. I came across this tutorial on Because Magazine's website.
I will be purchasing about 10 nail varnishes tomorrow in order to recreate this look myself.

I am having an unusual fascination with nail art at the moment. I have always loved interesting nail colours and feel rather bare with "naked" nails, so I guess an obsession with interesting novelty nails was always going to be a natural progression..

More nail posts to come my friends.


Tuesday, 1 November 2011

PHOTOLOVE: Paolo Roversi.

I am a great lover of photography. I wish i had some skills of my own (one day!).

You can expect to see lots of posts about my favourite photographers new and old as I am always on the look out for work that I haven't seen before as well as delving further into the work of my faves.

I'm gonna start with one of my favourite photographers, Paolo Roversi. Beauuutiful.


There is so much amazing work out there from Roversi. Google him.
